Create flexible layouts with FlexboxLayout In Android — Howtodoandroid
FlexboxLayout is an Android library made by Google that enables developers to easily build flexible, responsive, and efficient user interfaces (UIs). It helps developers create layouts using the flexbox layout model, which is known for providing better control over UI design compared to traditional linear layouts.
FlexboxLayout is open source, so developers can easily use it in their projects. It supports features such as wrapping, alignment, and ordering, allowing developers to easily create complex, dynamic UIs for their apps.
The Flexbox-Layout(Flexible box layout) is a kind of advanced linear layout where we have a child arranged in a direction, but if the room is not available for a child, it goes to the next line. This is called wrap, and this can be achieved with a simple code
To get started with the Flexbox layout, add the dependencies to build.gradle
implementation ''
Important attributes of flexible layout
Flex Direction
Flex direction specifies whether items are arranged vertically or horizontally. It has 4 values,
- row (default) — The flex items are laid out…